
Folkloria is Innessa's side project for Multicultural Festivals that showcases traditional Eastern-European culture, old folk songs and some dancing.

Innessa Folk Horizons Concert

10 years of singing in a Choir predefined Innessa’s love of Eastern-European folklore.

Innessa has performed at some of Australia’s largest multicultural festivals like the Canberra Multicultural Folk Festival and the Woodford Folk Festival, regularly appears on Multicultural Radio 4EB FM, and her folk song “Yasen” has been selected as a afinalist in the 2017 Queensland Music Awards (World Category).

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Listen to what others are saying about Innessa

“I love Innessa’s wonderful voice and her marvellous performances. Innessa thoughtfully crafts her performances to suit the occasion – from her visually demure, damsel-like singing at ‘Poet’s Ball’ evening soiree to her full-on energetic exaltation of the ‘Folk Horizons’ concert."

John Pedio

“A wonderful, unique, emotional, unexpected, rewarding surprise for an Australian concert goer seeking to broaden their knowledge and experience of foreign, particularly the enigmatic East European, cultures!”

Ivan Renatovich
Author of “An English Echo of Russian Song”

“Your voice is superb and we were overwhelmed by your feeling and ability. Bravo. We wish you ongoing success. We don’t have an Eastern European connection, but it is important that you know this – you made that connection for us with your beautiful voice.”

Ewen and Tina Thompson

Innessa live at “Folk Horizons”

Russian Folk Dance Workshop at Woodford Folk Festival

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